friday random elevenish – “repeat performance” edition

so the weather reports are showing that we’re in for another white weekend here in the metro, which I suppose is fine, apart from my neighbors to the north (including friends and so many of my favored places to while away an hour or three) are *still* under a boil advisory, and another storm’s going to continue to f**k things up in the city for the foreseeable future (or at least the next few days).
It’s also going to continue to make my dog nuts, as she manages to be afraid of every cracking noise the remaining frozen layer of snow in the yard makes and makes it really difficult to get her to just go out and take a sh*t like when the ground is just covered with grass and the occasional leaf.
Luckily there’s very little on my agenda for the next couple of days, though this business starting tonight is probably going to screw up my usual Saturday grocery run, as well as my efforts to keep the house clean, as we’re low on or out of some basic cleaning supplies, including the soap used to clean up all the dishes that everybody leaves lying around.
Reading back over that, I might not be in the best mood today. At least today is a light day in terms of social interactions at work, because the code problems we were running into on Wednesday afternoon still appear to be there this morning, and it looks like the person who wrote these queries is out, and knows more about the syntax in this particular case than either myself or the usual code gurus, and we just can’t make sense of the error messages, even with the wisdom of all the experts search engines can normally provide.
That is unless the phone starts ringing with program managers looking for guidance on how to prep their documentation, which is my usual lot in life on Fridays, and the emails I woke to suggest that’s likely to continue.
Yep, the mood’s already shot. Sorry folks.
So it’s probably best that I just stop while I’m only a couple of steps behind and keep my head down for now.
Anyway, tunes-wise, circumstances are better. I’ve been somewhat familiar with the artist at #1 through news stories in the crossover parts of the politics/entertainment Venn diagrams, though I’d never actually heard this tune. While I grew up adjacent at best to this badass drag queen spiritual-folk singer’s childhood religious tradition, I feel this one; I highly recommend taking a listen. The rest of the stuff is largely the usual indie and rock/metal stuff, which is…fine; and apparently obsessed with houses this week:
- “Esther, Ruth, and Rahab” – Flamy Grant
- “Distance” – Mammoth WVH
- “(You’re A) Strange Animal” – Gowan
- “Satisfaction Guaranteed” – The Firm
- “One Day In Your Life” – 54-40
- “Feel You Closer” – Skydiggers
- “Sunny Days” – Lighthouse
- “Lie To Me” –
- “Shine” – Junkhouse
- “Sick of Myself” – Matthew Sweeet
- “Four Seasons in One Day” – Crowded House
- “Baby Don’t Treat Me Bad” – Firehouse
- “Too Bad” – Doug and the Slugs