peter criss is the mvp, hashtag cat puns

08 Jun

This weekend was short, above all. Ugh.

Biked both days (and discovered baby bunnies again this year at the usual part of the trail), got some excellent produce at the farmer’s market (which supported a pretty good roasted chicken and some excellent asian stir fry), returned some library books (now that they let us do that, I was able to finally return the books I took out in February!), and did a bunch of laundry.

In addition to that more active stuff, I played a few hours of Witcher III after setting it down for a couple of weeks, and watched the delightfully batshit 1978 TV movie star vehicle for The Loudest Band In The World™, “KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park”. It’s long past time that I saw this (and it took some digging to find, since nobody’s sold a copy of it in years), and it’s just as bad (in a good way) as I’d expected, with crappy special effects, awful dubbed dialogue, amusement park robot fights scored to a 70s tv disco soundtrack, and (as you’d expect), lots of concert footage.

As the title for this post suggests, it kind of surprised me that Peter Criss was the film’s MVP, being arguably the best actor (even though his dialogue was apparently overdubbed by veteran voice actor Michael Bell) , the best at handling the fight choreography, and having the most lines, which consisted primarily of badly-conceived cat puns. Also, the stripped down, acoustic version of “Beth” alongside the swimming pool (which, for whatever reason, appeared to be the band’s base of operations) is quite possibly better than the original.

All in all, a nice distraction from the world collapsing around us, but now, it’s back to the grind.

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