physical and virtual decor

03 Jul

Yesterday afternoon, I finally managed to get hold of the floor people.  They hadn’t gotten in touch with Colleen to measure, or set up a measurement, all day Monday, so I swung by the place on the way home from work (it is, conveniently, on the way).  Of course, as I got there, the lady who runs the storefront was pulling out of the parking area, having locked up and left a sign indicating she’d “be back in 10 minutes”.  No worries, I’ll wait, Fresh Air had an interesting story on the Supreme Court I was enjoying.

ten minutes is much longer than I remember…perhaps my car is some quantum zone where time moves out of phase.  After waiting 40 minutes, I head home.

Getting home, I found that the replacement power cable I ordered for Colleen’s laptop that arrived was the wrong one.  Luckily, the seller was quick to respond to the problem and is sending out another.  yay.

After solving that issue, I hopped back into the car and drive back to the floor place.  The 10 minute sign remained posted.  This was over an hour later.  I wait, determined to resolve this hanging issue. 

Finally, the proprietor arrived, very apologetic about how the field guy has been avoiding us.  She sets up a specific appointment for first thing in the morning (I started playing the “I’d love to get this done before the baby arrives” schtick, which seemed to be effective) and we went through some unofficial estimates to make sure the budget will hold (it will, thank $diety).

And wouldn’t you know, the guy actually showed up (before 8am this morning) to do the measurement and evaluate our particular issues.  The official estimate ought to be forthcoming, and then maybe I can finally get this damned thing done.

Otherwise, not much else to speak of – watched possibly the best episode of Doctor Who -ever- last night – Blink. Creepy, creepy stuff. Get thee to the torrents, or wait a couple of weeks until it runs on SciFi, but don’t miss it.

Oh, and I think I finally settled on a look for the site – the underlying code on this theme (blueblack 1.0) is much less convoluted than the other one I was using, and much easier to customize.  My beloved custom boxes are back ( ←), and I’ve started plunking around with the blogroll (→). If you’re reading, and have a site I can put in the “people” block, send it to me, ‘kay?

i can has comments?

No Responses to “physical and virtual decor”

  1. 1
    Colleen Says:

    I’ll post a comment for you since no one else seems to be. It is very nice to be one small step closer to having the bathroom finshed. I also have mary’s room about 1/3 done with the primer. she and i took her bed down and even got most of it out to the garbage.

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