promo – “warmest regards” pre-order

25 Aug

Warmest Regards, the third full-length release from Chuck Parker, features more of the funny, filky, and occasionally lyrically-complicated geek-rock tunes you’ve come to expect, including musings on game night, late-night nerd movie nostalgia, unexpected encounters with explicit prose, and aggressively polite email. It also includes new versions of a couple of old favorites (because Chuck was never happy with the original recordings…) as well as a couple of never-before-released live favorites!

Ahead of the official release on August 29 (when it’ll hit your favorite streaming service!) to coincide with Dragoncon, I’m putting Warmest Regards up for digital pre-order.

If you order ahead of the 29th*, you’ll get two tracks now (which you can also stream just by visiting the link) and a link to download the whole package (including a digital exclusive track!) upon release.

If you’re looking for a physical CD, I’ll have them on hand at Dragoncon and elsewhere, and I’m joining the digital future by also selling USB drives loaded with all my records, as well as all kinds of other recordings – collaborations, demos, etc. (almost a hundred tunes!) – for sale as well.

I’m really pretty proud of the way this one turned out, and I just couldn’t wait to share it with you. Thanks for listening, folks!


*-Though if you feel like waiting for Bandcamp Friday, where they waive their fees and I’ll get an extra ten cents or so on the dollar, that’s cool too.

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