raining on my one-float parade

Early Monday morning, the rain started; a long, slow, soaking rain that looks poised to last most of the week. I’m not entirely sure I enjoy it.
Doing most of my biking on the dirt, coming home mud-covered (after getting the mud all over my car on the way home) isn’t ideal, and one thing I don’t have is particularly good rain gear for biking the road; I’d manage, though in my experience, mountain bike tires on wet pavement isn’t the most stable platform, and we all know how my balance is.
I’ll likely still try a little bit; it’s not going to be the 40+ miles I did last week, but it’ll be something. I’ve dropped 12 pounds off of my winter/quarantine 30ish since really picking the bike back up these last few weeks, and I don’t want to lose the momentum.
But I also don’t want to fall on my middle-aged ass and break something.