rebuilding and dealing with guilt

22 Jul

So, somewhere in the last couple of days, my Windows 7 install decided to go ahead and eat the GRUB sector on my dual boot Win7/Ubuntu desktop. My lovely wife tried fixing it, and despite her normally amazing competence at fixing that sort of thing when linux is involved, she couldn’t make things work.

So, today’s been a day of wiping and rebuilding. It’s not something I’ve done a lot of recently; as I said, I’m mostly a linux user, and that’s one of the nice things about running Ubuntu; it doesn’t seem to go to pot so often. However, the desktop tends to get used for mostly Windows-based things anyway (it’s pretty much the games and itunes box), I decided I’m going to skip the complexity of dual booting, and go pure Microsoft this time around.

Yes, I’m aware of how this makes me a traitor to the open source cause, a corporate toady, and all that. Believe me, I feel guilty as hell about it.

But I wanna play Mass Effect (and all those other games on Steam), and level up Baern the Dwarf Druid for Encounters on Wednesday. I’m going to have to live with the guilt. Right now, Linux won’t let me do that.

I’m not a total tool. I’m still running just linux on three different laptops, and some of the first things I’m installing on this Windows box are Firefox, LibreOffice, and an open-source bittorrent client. So there.

No Responses to “rebuilding and dealing with guilt”

  1. 1
    Elizabeth Campbell Says:

    *greek to me*. ::powers up Windows::

  2. 2
    Elizabeth Campbell Says:

    Have you read Silently and Very Fast by Cat Valente or The Lifecycle of software Objects by Ted Chiang?

  3. 3
    chuck Says:

    haven’t read either of those. Hear Chiang’s stuff is good. Have one of his I picked up at a thrift store somewhere. That one sounded interesting when Scalzi was talking about it last year.

    As for Valente, I tried “Palimpsest” a few months ago, though it couldn’t manage to grab me; not sure why. Might have to try it again, or track down your recommend.

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