recognizing that I’m never right on these things*

21 Aug

Senator Obama and Governer Kaine are doing an event this morning at John Tyler Community College; a small campus within a few minutes of my house. I won’t be home, but Colleen and the kids are planning on scoping out the area with some strategic lunch plans about the time said event lets out (which will likely be around lunch time), to see what they can see (it’s an “invite only” event, and not surprisingly, I couldn’t score one).

There’s some interesting symbolism here (which right-leaning VA Virtucon clued into first); John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States, was the last Virginian, a Governor, who was elected Vice President.

There’s also the fact that Chesterfield County VA, which is largely republican, went hard for Obama in the primaries, with huge voter turnout, which would play well into Obama’s making a serious play for VA’s 13 electoral votes in November.

It might just be a good spot to slot another Virginia Governor into a possible VP slot, wouldn’t it? I guess we’ll know in a few hours.


* – However, at this point, I have exactly the same authority to make predictions as any of those talking heads on TV…so there!

No Responses to “recognizing that I’m never right on these things*”

  1. 1
    chuck Says:

    well, I suppose I was wrong. At least one other person involved in the lunch wager was wrong as well. I think everybody will lose, though, as the final individual says they’ll wait until the convention.

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