saucer full of secrets
Beyond the “ooga chaka” in the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, Marvel’s never really made the move to tease its movie music before. Normally, MCU scores are kind of anonymous background noise, and on the whole pretty forgettable other than perhaps the overall Marvel Studios Fanfare they use during the studio tag. The piece linked below is different, and I hope this bodes well for future films; veteran composer Michael Giacchino really nailed a pretty great aural accompaniment for the screen version of Doctor Strange that is anything but forgettable:
This is purportedly the Strange end credits, and it’s a definite departure from the kind of anonymous symphonic scores we’re used to (apart from G0tG, of course); first of all, there seems to be an actual theme in there (that repeating eight note baroque-y sounding bit with variations, which as I listen to it, kind of leans on the fanfare linked above), and a very art rock/progressive vibe, with heavy influences from Pink Floyd, a bit of Queen, and some Jon Lord style organ for good measure. I’m really digging it.
It makes sense though, since Doc Strange himself cameoed on the cover art of Pink Floyd’s second studio album back in 1968:

My excitement for this flick is really starting to pick up. November 4 can’t come quickly enough.