say hello to my little friend

27 Jun

Seen here, artfully posed with some of the crap lying around my hotel room:

This, my friends, is a Lanikai LU22CGC Concert Ukulele. As it happened, I had taken a drive over to Guitar Center this evening to amuse myself after work, and after playing a bunch of guitars and basses I had no intention of buying for an hour or so, I bought this, because it was neat and sounded pretty and wasn’t too expensive, and it’s small enough for me to haul around with me and plink on.

I’ve actually been itching to get a uke for a while now, mostly because I’ve been watching with great interest all the neat things Molly Lewis does with them, and from what I hear, it’s easy enough to play if you have a background in strings, as I do.

So, anyway, this is what I’ll be amusing myself with for a while. And, the nebulous “they” are right; it’s not that hard to play; after an hour or two of plinking around and looking up some chord charts, I can make some reasonably pretty sounds and chord progressions, and fumble my way through that twee little Jason Mraz song…you know the one.

So, yeah. << Insert your preferred Tiny Tim joke here >>

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