“Security Moms” take note

24 Aug

For all your baby safety needs, it’s bullet proof baby.

If only they weren’t out of stock*, Catherine would so be getting my first D4-55 riot helmet. Also, shipping rates on the bulletproof stroller (handily demonstrated on the home page) is an excellent value.

Consider this your public service announcement for the day. Enjoy.

Otherwise, I’m currently waiting out the adhesive cure on my new windscreen by paying bills (I’ll get around to it – I just had to share the whole bullet proof baby experience with everyone first) and organizing before I venture out to take care of some more errands this afternoon.

I took my test this morning (aced it!), and just as I was leaving, the glass guy called, checking to see if he could come early, because his morning job cancelled. So, I get my replacement done (it’s a beautiful piece of glass; looks like I got the Toyota part, heavier glass and a nice blue-tinted sunshade bit on top) a few hours early. Thanks, Chesterfield Auto Glass!.

This afternoon’s scheduled adventures include hunting down the last bit of documentation to get Andrew into school in a couple of weeks, dropping of Mary’s tuition at the Richmond Ballet, mailing off my bills, and maybe, if I can find some nice ones, pick up my cherry barbs.

Last night, in between the doctor’s appointment (Colleen’s doing very well, and is no longer stapled!) and cramming for my exam this morning, the family took me out for a birthday dinner at the new Chinese Buffet place nearby (where the guy running the register confirmed that the chinese characters on Colleen’s Blue Sun T-shirt were indeed correct), then we hit ths store for more diapers, and the pet store for the special cat litter we like. I also got one little female variatus platy (who looks a lot like the fish in the lower-left of the picture linked) as a friend for my lonely male.

She’s quite tiny, and is getting picked on by the betta and her prospective mate (just picking, no serious agression) but settling in. I should know better than to just add ONE fish, but I don’t need any more platies, and the Petsmart cherry barbs didn’t look very healthy. My errands this afternoon should carry me right past Pet Club, who ought to have some nice ones, and ought to spread out some of the initial agressiveness I’m dealing with.

That’s all from here. Enjoy your weekend!

* – <smirk>, you really didn’t get fished in by this, did you? It’s viral marketing for some movie (you’ll figure out which one without much trouble) – essentially, a commercial, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t exceedingly fun free entertainment in it’s own right…

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