several unrelated thoughts

29 Jan

♦ Colleen and I have pretty much the perfect geek date lined up for next month – Jonathan Coulton, with Paul and Storm, at The Birchmere! So, uh, yay for us!

♦ More reasons I like the new President, both real and not so real….

…Though I have to say, Obama’s on the wrong side of the whole DTV thing. The House did right by killing the bill that would have delayed the transition until June. Sure, some people are dragging their feet or are being willfully ignorant about the DTV business, but if they’ve actually been watching over-the-air TV at all in the last two years, there’s no way they haven’t gotten the message that the analog signal is going away; there are simply too many PSAs and local news stories out there. Barring some alarmingly specific circumstances, the only way to get these remaining foot-draggers on board is to have them wake up on February 18 and find they can’t watch Small-Claims-Court-with-Colorful-Magistrate Program #6 any more without a piece of cheap and easy hardware that they’d have had no problem purchasing for basically free had they not waited until the last minute.

Pushing it off further isn’t going to alleviate any more pain and hassle; just make the switch and get through the unavoidable mess. This has been in the works for ten years now; six months isn’t going to make a difference.

♦ Yes, Twilight the book was pretty much just as “meh” as I expected it to be.

♦ My wife informed me this weekend that there’s an honest-to-goodness collectible market for cloth diapers. Weird. I understand the collector’s mindset, though I think anything designed to soak up baby poop ought to be excluded from ever appreciating in monetary value.

Kudos, however, to the diaper makers who successfully managed to manufacture and grow this market; talk about making shit smell like roses!

♦ And finally, I became aware this week that Pop Star (and Zooey Deschanel LMD) Katy Perry claims to have a pet cat named “Kitty Purry”. I haven’t decided if that’s cool and clever or really lame, but it remains that this fact has occupied far to many of my mental processing cycles for the last few days.

Something is wrong with me, but then, we all already knew that.

No Responses to “several unrelated thoughts”

  1. 1
    Colleen Says:

    the fitted diapers from these folks are apparently the “must have” diapers for alot of folks.

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