Wouldn’t you know it…it’s Talk like a Browncoat Day!
An enterprising passel o’ Browncoats on Facebook (I’m not going to link there; FB and I are havin’ what I call some ‘apart time’ right about now) up an’ decided that the ‘Verse needed another engagin’ little bit of arbitrary holiday mirth*, so’n they set this little shindig up for we internettin’ folks to take a whack at.
Consider yourselves duly informed.
In the meantime, I’ll be in my bunk.
While you’re considerin’ whether that last line is truly naughty or not, why don’t ya take a gander at the Firefly re-watch column from Richard Fife over yonder at, because it makes for some good reading, and is certainly not a piece of gos se.
* – Also, apparently, because it’s Joss Whedon’s birthday, which makes this whole shady enterprise more than appropriate.