since all my live gigs are cancelled for the next little while
Given that so many of us who are musicians are finding ourselves without places to play in this age of social distancing and pandemics and all, after some sort of clandestine testing earlier this week, I shall be doing my own streaming show on Saturday afternoon at 4pm on Facebook Live:
I’m calling it Chuck Parker’s Happy Hour Streaming Matinee, because I’m doing it during traditional Happy Hour/Matinee times, and I’ll probably be drinking, because why the heck not.
I expect I’ll have a tip jar via PayPal if you care to toss a coin to your filker, but it’s really about giving us something to look at during this time of CORVID-19 and social distancing and all that. My record, World’s Okayest…, is currently out there for free (or name your price) on bandcamp for the duration of this pandemic business, though I’d prefer if you spend the money you’d toss toward my record on somebody who depends on this for their livelihood; you know, “pay it forward” and all that.
In any case, I’ll be playing for at least an hour on Saturday afternoon here in front of my laptop camera in my spare room. If you feel like joining me, I’d love to have you!