sky, falling
As I type this Isaias is working it’s way up the East Coast, and is likely to drop 4-6 inches of rain all over us here in the center of the Commonwealth, and a bit more on my friends to the East, as well as all the states north and south. Yay.
Rain’s been coming down since 8pm or so Monday night, nothing too bad so far, though the power was out for a few hours in the evening. As I type this Tuesday morning, it’s likely to be heavy through the afternoon, with high winds, thunder and lightning, and all the good stuff we get this time of year when named storms decide to roll up the coast.
I got several automated calls from the office last night (this is the benefit of certain public sector jobs; we have our own emergency broadcast system) about the general event, as well as a “facility is on a two hour delay, don’t show up early” message, although that barely applies because almost all of us are teleworking anyway because of the ‘rona.
Such is life. Why not dump a tropical storm on us along with everything else? What’s one more thing? Bring it on, as they say. All I ask of the universe is that if it sees fit to knock down a tree on my house, do it in a way that gets me a new roof with minimal other property damage, okay?
I fully expect work to be spotty today, given the storm situation, with the predicted intermittent power outages, and inconsistent phone and internet services. I haven’t cancelled my weekly staff with my team yet, but it’s probably going to happen. But, since I’ve been up since five am because I’m weird like that, I’ve already gotten the “must-haves” done for the day.
To close this on a lighter note (rather than the current semi-sarcastic tone), after I worked yesterday, the youngest and I went out to a not-quite-as-local-as-usual park (because my closest local trail is closed for two weeks for renovations/improvements) and hiked three miles or so in the woods counting squirrels. On our drive back, we were listening to The More Perfect Union, a political podcast my friend DJ is a part of, and they were, as one would expect, talking about Biden’s potential VP pick, including a significant segment about Congresswoman Karen Bass, who’s been the “dark horse” pick by the media this week. While this was going on, the kid asked:
“Isn’t she the one who killed her husband?”
Which proves, I guess, that Netflix is really in charge, right Cats and Kittens?