slightly less hosed

16 Aug

Well, after fighting with things for a few hours this evening after sleeping on it, I eventually, after wrestling with ftp clients, IP addresses, and trying to write SQL queries when I barely know enough to be dangerous (remember, I’m the guy that once took a whole government agency’s clause-selection system in the contract writing tool down for a whole week for want of a semicolon), got my posts and most of my old, circa 2010 wordpress theme back.

In the end, it turned out that my damned export xml file was just too big for the managed WordPress install – it kept choking on it after so long. So, I kept running it over and over until everything eventually loaded.

Of course, my theme customizations are gone, as are most of the images I’ve uploaded over the last decade, but most of those that matter are backed up elsewhere, and for the purposes of this site, less important than all the text I’ve knocked out since 2007. If you’re digging through the archives, you’ll just have to deal with the occasional broken image.


Anyway, it’s been a heck of a week. Class hasn’t been terrible, overall, and I *nailed* the first exam today. But, I had to go back to the office to water the plant, submit the timesheet, and, sadly, wrestle with some garbage my boss wasn’t able to fix on his own. Also, storms made a fifteen minute trip take almost an hour.

Whatever; this weekend’s kinda quiet; I can relax a bit, maybe, wrestle with wordpress themes, and maybe finally get over to Molly’s “Blind Dog Brewery” (and bike shop), since yes, like everything else in the RVA region, my local bike shop is now also a brewery.

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