so, marscon 2022…

Marscon is, indeed, happening this coming weekend. I am, as always, looking forward to it, as I get to play music for people who like listening to it, and see friends I don’t see all that often. That said, there’s a little bit of apprehension on my part, due to some drama surrounding a last minute COVID policy change.
Knowing the con staff as I do, I know they’re trying to do the best they can, though making the shift to mask optional and not always being entirely clear what that means with less than a week until the con starts probably wasn’t the best call, especially in a world with social media where people are given free rein to be assholes, whether they’re for, or opposed to, the changes.
I’m expecting a little bit of ugliness.
Me? I’m going to be there because I committed to playing shows and people there are nice enough to want to come see them. I shall, however, be masked except when eating, drinking, or singing (and maybe even then if I can make it work), and I generally don’t have much personal time at this one anyway, rushing between commitments all day as I do. What little free time I have, however, likely won’t involve a lot of large-scale close-quarters interaction.
Anyway, all that crap aside, here’s where I’m scheduled to be this weekend:
- Saturday 3/19, 11am – Large Auditorium – Chuck Solo
- Saturday 3/19, 1pm – Large Auditorium – Blibbering Humdingers
- Saturday 3/19, 10pm – Large Auditorium – Blibbering Humdingers (“naughty” show)
- Sunday, 3/20, 11am – Large Auditorium – Blibbering Humdingers
I’ll do my best to post any updates, as con schedules are fluid at the best of times, let alone this year….
Nothing to report from this past weekend; I kind of felt like crap with sinus issues. Yay.