some general gratitude, and a bit of a plea

17 Jul

I’ve recently had some people tell me they enjoy what I’ve been writing here lately, and (in what I take as a great compliment) that it makes them think.

Hearing this stuff makes me happy; I like that my particular flavor of “old man shouting at clouds” is capable of connecting with someone occasionally; despite all evidence to the contrary, I am not a complete unfeeling robot; despite my retiring ways, I do enjoy occasional, meaningful human contact, even if it often comes from behind the comforting buffer of asynchronous communication on the internet.

So, thanks, dear tens of readers, for your attention and praise.


By the way, I hope you’ll take the time to read the last couple of posts, which are reviews of some great indie comics I picked up at the VA Comicon a couple of weekends back. Between them, over 200 pages of great art and storytelling.

I don’t say this enough, but I think it’s a great thing to support your local independent artist, who often has some really interesting and unique things to say, and almost always provide a welcome break from the cookie-cutter pop culture so much of the mainstream keeps feeding you. Seek them out and buy their stuff, and share it with others. Keep the cycle of creativity going!

No Responses to “some general gratitude, and a bit of a plea”

  1. 1
    Elizabeth Campbell Says:

    VA Comicon! That sounds cool. And a great place for me to be parted from mah moneys.

    Thanks for the comic reviews. I’ve been reading a few comics and appreciate the suggestions for more.

  2. 2
    Elizabeth Campbell Says:

    Also I need to loan you a copy of Clockwork Phoenix 2 or 3 so that you can see what tou’re getting into.

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