some stuff I saw this week

11 Jun

in no particular order:

  • Now, I’m a reasonably observant Catholic, but when stuff like this happens, I get really annoyed with the Church. Denying someone marriage because of the consequences of a disability feels all kinds of wrong.

  • On the other hand, there’s news that makes me really happy, like the announcement that Barack Obama and Elizabeth Edwards are working together to come up with a real, workable health care plan. This is really good for a couple of reasons:

    One, the one issue where Clinton had Obama beat was health care policy. Elizabeth Edwards (wife of John, and one of the cooler political figures, male or female, to come along in quite a while, and my not-so-secret policy wonk crush) never officially endorsed a candidate, but her public statements throughout the primary had her supporting Clinton’s plan pretty strongly. This makes it a lot more likely that a lot of Clinton’s good ideas will end up incorporated in Obama’s plan, and we’ll all be better off.

    Two, Elizabeth Edwards, in this case, serves as kind of a proxy for Clinton (though one without a lot of the baggage) advising the Obama campaign, which could possibly make it a little easier for disaffected Clinton supporters to get behind Obama’s candidacy.

  • I got my shipping notice email saying D&D 4th edition core rule books are on their way. I haven’t played tabletop RPGs in years, but between getting these books, the conversations I’ve been having with some Richmond locals (via craigslist) about starting up a 3.5 group, and my working on pulling together a Faery’s Tale session for Mary and some of her friends, I’m finding myself rather deep in a pile of d20s, and I’m really liking the idea.

  • The other morning I had a pop-up interstitial pop-up ad on a web site run away from my mouse three times before it let me click it to close it out. That was damned annoying. This is why at home, I use Firefox with Adblock Plus. The web’s so much nicer without intrusive advertisements!

  • HijiNKS Ensue offers what I have decided is the best description of the music and appeal of internet troubador Jonathan Coulton:

    JoCo is quite different from most comedy/music acts. Jonathan’s songs seem to be about robots and squids and ruined ponies on the surface but you can tell the underlying emotion is real. It reminds me of a geek that is trying to tell a girl he loves her and all he can muster is a Buffy analogy

  • And finally, keeping with internet-distributed musical theme, I offer proof that Paul and Storm’s Nugget Man isn’t just a line of chicken feed.

Anybody else see anything worth talking about?

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