sometimes delicate sensitivities need to be offended

06 Oct

Yeah, I know, Banned Books Week was last week, but consider it read that I’m just running a little late.

That, and I didn’t have anything particularly interesting to post about it until today, when I found this, a letter from a librarian to a library patron who challenged the inclusion of a book called Uncle Bobby’s Wedding in this library’s children’s collection.

Overall, the response, to a complaint about the book’s subject matter (that it portrays same-sex marriage as a non-controversial thing, essentially) citing both “Biblical” principles and the intent of the Founders, is an amazing example of how to politely and reasonably deal with someone who disagrees with you and is operating from a decidedly non-rational emotional place.

The whole letter is well done indeed, but I have to go with this line, regarding the intent of those Founders, as the money quote:

…our whole system of government was based on the idea that the purpose of the state was to preserve individual liberties, not to dictate them.

As a student of history, an ardent opponent of censorship, and a fan of books and libraries, I couldn’t (without a whole lot of effort) come up with a more basic statement that defines what America was conceived to be.

It’s a shame that so many people (particularly people in positions of power) have forgotten that so many times in our country’s history.

Now, go read something that challenges you somehow; your brain will thank you!

No Responses to “sometimes delicate sensitivities need to be offended”

  1. 1
    Colleen Says:

    I agree… it’s a great response.

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