songs of my people

08 Jul

I’ll have you know, I have some pretty creative friends who make some neat and entertaining stuff. When they do, I like to point people at those things, because I like to see my friends succeed, and because I think the stuff they make is pretty cool, and I want other people to see it and enjoy it as much as I do.

One of my friends is currently mounting a kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of his latest “nerd comedy” album, Songs of My People: Let Me Sing You Them. I’ve known Danny for several years now, and have been a fan of his brand of “filk” for even longer, and make a point to catch his performances at conventions whenever we happen to be in the same place. Danny’s stuff could be considered a very fine example of “traditional” filk, leaning toward sci-fi and fantasy themed parody and humor, which has received many accolades, and has been featured in such illustrious venues as the Dr. Demento Show and The Fump. He also does some really great solo piano stuff (which has not been featured on novelty song radio) and has a good half-dozen novels to his credit.

My entire family are big fans, especially my youngest, who’s been known to occasionally join Danny for a duet.

So, if you’ve got a few extra bucks lying around, I highly recommend contributing to this effort – if it’s successful, you’ll receive some great music, and support a great creative talent. As I write this, he’s about half-way there, with a couple of weeks to go – not exactly potato salad money, but well on the way to success. There’s some great tunes on this one – you can see the video for “Lady Hath Bustle” on the page, plus, this one will also feature “Eye of the Newt” (my current personal favorite) and long-time live staple “I Love Calculus”.

So, what are you waiting for? Let him sing them to you!

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