stacking the deck: council of spiders: session six

03 Oct

In what feels like the calm before the storm, Imogen finds herself and her companions (most of whom she’s spent the last several weeks adventuring with) in a well-appointed manor house reporting back to the leaders of the allied houses about their adventures, particularly the intelligence gathered about the growing rift between the priestesses of Lolth and the community of wizards within the vast drow city of Menzoberranzan.

The leaders of Houses Melarn and Xorlariin, as well as the mercenaries of Bregan D’aerthe listen to the party’s report with great interest. After the report is concluded, the leaders retire to their various alcoves to consider the information. The party confers amongst themselves regarding the path their allied organization ought to to take in the coming political climate. Do they continue to support the priestesses of Llolth, or the growing cadre of arcane practitioners seeking greater influence and power, or perhaps the path of civil war and chaos?

Xune, mercenary warlock of Bregan D’aerthe loudly and directly proposes stepping back, and supporting whichever side appears to have the most influence and coin, whereas Syndrina, a warlock of house Xorlariin favors supporting the wizard’s bid for power; if not now, then later. Alliandriia, a mid-level priestess of Melarn favors active, direct support of the will of Llolth, and coming down hard on those who would deny the Spider Queen’s authority. Imogen attempts conversation with Cruian, a half-orc fellow slave in attendance, though she finds him too dim and unfocused to influence.

Imogen, for her part, is conflicted. She’s spent most of her life as a slave to House Melarn, and while no friend of Llolth herself (as far as dieties go, she favors the Raven Queen), she has the ear of several prominent members of the house, and has risen to a position well above her station as a common slave; eventual victory by the priestesses of Llolth would continue to guarantee her position within the city. However; whatever influence she wields, she remains a slave. The chaos of open war amongst factions in Menzoberranzan could provide the opportunity for her to escape her bondage and attempt to build a new, free, life on the surface.

The lure of freedom is strong, even if she is frightened of the uncertainty and possibility. She arrives at the decision to subtly sow dissention; working to influence each of her companions to more strongly advocate for their favored position, garnering favor with each of the factions by telling them what they want to hear. Such action may lead to great unrest and conflict, though in the end, she believes that such conflict may be her best chance for freedom.

As the members of her party speak with their house leaders and offer counsel; she remains on the periphery of all the conversations, interjecting subtle comments that encourage the pragmatic greed of Bregan D’aerthe, the fervent faith of House Melarn, and the thirst for power within House Xorlariin.

As the gathering breaks up and the party returns to their individual domiciles to rest and prepare for the next task set before them, Imogen is satisfied in her efforts to gently nudge each faction toward their individual goals, which may, as these goals fall further into conflict, perhaps the immediate future, provide her the opportunity to escape her life of slavery and begin a new life as a free woman of the Realms on the surface.

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