successful first solo guest slot

27 Nov

As we returned home from Atomacon on Sunday evening, I’m confident in saying that it was a reasonably successful endeavor. For a person who’s not particularly well-known as a solo performer outside of a relatively small community, I ended my Friday “main” show with more people in the room than when I started, and I got pretty good feedback on the performance in general, and my other “guest duties” like sitting on a couple of panels went well (especially “Comics in the Media”, which is right in my wheelhouse).

I didn’t sell as many CDs as I’d really have liked, but I sold a few, I think I made a few more fans to the south, and went a long way toward establishing myself as an individual who can do this sort of thing.

I did end up killing my throat (I’m not a trained vocalist) over the course of the weekend, but that’s settling back in, especially after taking Monday off to rest, recouperate, and ease back into the mundane world, which I needed, as being an actual front-of-house convention guest for a whole weekend is a bit of pressure when you’re not quite used to it.

It was, nonetheless, a nice time spending time with friends, especially Frank, Donna, Ora, DJ, and Larry, and making a few new ones (hey Melinda and Joann!), and generally spending time around like-minded folks and enjoying some time when I get to be a tiny little rock star rather than a much put-upon program manager.

Thanks to the con (and Frank, for tossing me the official invite) for having me and making me feel welcome in what is really a new (but not entirely unexpected) role. I could stand to do it again.

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