
30 Nov

Thanksgiving weekend was meh; honestly. Given the state of the world, it was just a couple of days off, frankly. We had a decent meal on Thursday; mostly vegetarian stuff (a killer lentil and rice loaf, and some spinach and cheese bread pudding that the family really loved). I didn’t do turkey, but did do a small pork roast, most of which ended up becoming extra fat and flavor (instead of my usual butter) in a batch of halushki using fresh cabbage picked the night before I bought it at the farmer’s market on Saturday morning.

During the couple of days off, I didn’t move much, honestly. Other than assisting in some sound equipment rewiring and relocation at the dance school on Friday morning and the usual Saturday morning grocery errands. Friday after the dance school thing, I hit the park down the road to try and get some hiking in, though I just aggavated the ankle I didn’t realize I sprained when I went down on the bike a few weeks ago. After that, it was mostly an ankle brace, a couple of movies on TV, some reading, and putting some time into Witcher 3, which I really ought to finish one of these days.

The days off were a welcome respite from the bureaucratic garbage at work, where something I thought I’d successfully put to bed got raised again and I had to spend a bunch of time chasing down issues because the idiots in another department can’t nail down their pecking order, and the fallout hits the rest of us. I was fed up Wednesday night, and some of that carried through the week, leaving me a few spoons short to deal with the rest of it.

Yeah, combine the current state of the world, work weirdness, daylight savings-induced SAD, a crowded house, and crappy weather, I’m struggling to maintain a positive outlook; the energy and drive just isn’t there. I slide up and down the spectrum from despondence to frustration and back again. And I’m totally aware of it, but it’s a struggle to get past, because while they say recognizing the problem is the first step, it’s more complicated than that, and leads to self-critical meta-commentary on how unhealthy one’s mental health is because you’re seeing it as well as living it.

So, yeah. One foot. In front. Of the other. Rinse, repeat. That’s all I can do.

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