there’s nothing wrong with the classics

12 Mar

I saw this morning that USA Today did a story about the 100th anniversary of my favorite footwear, which proudly grace the banner of this very web site.

I apparently have a body that appreciates clothing designs that haven’t changed in a century; no pair of jeans fits me as well as the original Levis 501s do; and my choice of cheap, reliable shoe has now crossed the century barrier as well.

While I still have the black and blues in the banner above, my number one pair today is the “stealth” black-on-black model (though foot locker charges a bit much for them; also – don’t go to the mall if you can help it; that way lies madness). I’ve even talked the wife and kids into wearing them now; it’s a phenomenon (and it gets the women in my life out of those croc abominations – oh, how ugly those things are!).

And for the record, I refer to them as “Converse All-Stars”, as the Lord intended; this “Chucks” thing just doesn’t work for me.

No Responses to “there’s nothing wrong with the classics”

  1. 1
    colleen Says:

    Crocs may be ugly but they are comfortable.

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