they say that man Strike is a bad mutha…shut yo mouth!

29 Sep

While I was in Atlanta last week, my library hold on Robert Galbraith’s The Silkworm came in. I picked it up on Friday, and, being a good library citizen, I shoved the book I was reading (D.B. Jackson’s Theiftaker – really good, btw) temporarily aside, and started reading this one immediately so I can put it in the hands of the next person in line in short order.

I’m not done with it yet, but I’m enjoying it as much, if not more, than I did Cuckoo’s Calling (which I quite liked a year ago). The Characters are wonderfully quirky and lived-in; particularly the protagonist, eccentric private detective Cormoran Strike, war hero who came back from Aghanistan one leg short, bastard son of a philandering 70s rock god, a mountain of a man (as is fitting), deceptively smart, and with the most bad-ass name in modern fiction.

This got me thinking a bit. I’ve got more than one foot in the world of wizard rock, and given the obvious connections, I’m of the mind that somebody needs to write a Cormoran Strike song, and maybe, just maybe, that someone is me.

Trouble is, I’m kind of stuck for ideas, or at least the connective tissue to string the handful of little embryonic thoughts into an idea. To be fair, I’ve only been at this about half an hour, and it might come. So far, the best I’ve got is the title to this post, but I’m not sure Isaac Hayes funk is the way to go.

The only other stuff that’s bubbled up are the disconnected lines “Straight Outta Cornwall, Supporter of Arsenal” and “One foot’s more than enough to kick your ass”. So, it seems my mind is today mired in tongue-in-cheek pastiches of 90s west coast hip-hop.

Maybe I’ll just link this to the social networks later and see what the hive mind can come up with. It’s worked before.

No Responses to “they say that man Strike is a bad mutha…shut yo mouth!”

  1. 1
    Elizabeth Says:

    Ah! So now I have The Silkworm on order through OhioNET. 😉

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