This is not a post about Miley Cyrus (much).

09 Oct

It seems that Jen finally caught this silly internet meme bug, and threw the venerable "7 things" my way. I normally don’t play along, but I had a few minutes to kill…


  1. While I revel in being the black sheep of my family and social circle, and work hard at maintaining the sophisticated posture of an elitist indie music/culture snob, I derive undue pleasure from the faux-punk poseur stylings of Avril Lavigne and her ilk (secret bonus fact: For three weeks in seventh grade, I was convinced that Tiffany was the most beautiful creature on the planet).
  2. I am the most anal retentive person I know who hasn’t officially been diagnosed with OCD. My DVD collection is alphebetized, and I make spreadsheets to keep track of everything. These tendencies cause some friction in my household life (where I am clearly the only neat freak).
  3. I quickly grow excessively attached to short-lived species of tropical fish, and have been known to tear up on the couple of occasions I’ve had to euthanize a lost cause.
  4. I’m pretty sure I own every Marvel comics film available (and some that aren’t) on some flavor of home video format, including Howard the Duck , Swamp Thing , the 1992 Roger Corman Fantastic Four and Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD starring David Hasselhoff. I consider this a laudable accomplishment worthy of accolades and Major Awards.
  5. Before actually meeting my lovely wife, our respective social orbits nearly intersected several times in the years prior to our becoming a collective entity, including a particular interscholastic athletic contest which devolved into a full-blown race riot featuring stabbings and thrown bricks.
  6. I don’t eat eggs.
  7. One thing for which I am intensely proud is that my 9-year old daughter is indifferent to Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers, but knows the lyrics to pretty much every Jonathan Coulton song, and was cool with standing in line for four hours to spend 30 seconds with Neil Gaiman a few weeks ago.

Consider this an "open tag " – I’m not calling anyone out (that feels like bad form for me), but if you want to play along, stick something on your own damned web site, or in the comments below…

No Responses to “This is not a post about Miley Cyrus (much).”

  1. 1
    chuck Says:

    8. I accidentally leave my cell phone at home at least once every couple of weeks. Including today.

  2. 2
    jen Says:

    Thanks for playing!!! I never knew you didn’t eat eggs….

  3. 3
    Zachariah Lindsey Says:

    joe is cute but nick is HOT i like nick j more than you so put it in a jucie box and suck it

  4. 4
    Braiden Horn Says:

    yes, miley, becauae all moms are ugly and huge and have lost their figures. we all hate our lives, too. that’s right.

  5. 5
    Kasey Henson Says:

    I Love Miley

  6. 6
    John Garcia Says:

    i love you Miley.

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