
31 Jul

Today’s gonna be a better day, whether Bison razes my village or not. Kinda has to be.

Monday was all the phone calls. All of them. Also, being told out of one side of management’s mouth that I need to disengage because of the class next month, but also need to get these two dozen new things done before I leave. Also, my children have been totally evil beasties…well, more than usual.

…and, when I went to go ride my bike, in the rain, I found that somewhere along the line, I picked up a nail in the front tire. Dammit. At that point, I couldn’t do it anymore. I put the bike away unfixed, took Ready Player One* back to the Redbox, and gave up to do nothing but curl up on the couch to catch up on Cloak and Dagger** on hulu, and went to bed early. Twas the best plan.

I also lost my “One Ring” again – I swear I had it on when I went to bed last night, but it’s not on my finger now. It’s probably in the sheets…I feel so…visible.

Anyway, that’s my life. Dammit.


* – okay, stealth reviews of movies part one: RP1 was…okay? I liked the book, though I didn’t love it; a lot of the criticism about it being mostly ‘member berries is true, but they’re the right memories for me. Most of it worked for me. The movie did some things differently (the second key actually worked better than the book), and smoothed out some of the wrinkles (hey, it’s Spielberg; guy earned his rep), though was about as good as the source material in the end. I enjoyed it, but I’m glad I just rented it and didn’t pay full price.

** – stealth reviews of tv shows, part two: C&D is, um…pretty good? It’s somewhat different from the admittedly d-list comics deep cut it’s based on, which is actually a good thing. The New Orleans setting works, the kids are charismatic, and about episode seven when they start being heroes, it’s hit it’s stride, though they kind of roll things back because they realise they have more to go, then they lampshade it by framing the next ep with a lesson on The Hero’s Journey in the classroom, which is effective, but…Oh well, it’s not done yet; I’ll keep watching. However, in spite of what Jonah says, Cage season 2 is better.

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