vaccination after-action report

26 Apr

As I had indicated in Friday’s post, I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine that afternoon. The mass vaccination site I’d been scheduled for (a local university athletic center) was much less crowded this time around, in part because we’re doing pretty well in this state in terms of vaccinations overall, two, because many Americans are idiots.

As I also indicated, after seeing what other folks have gone through, I didn’t make any plans, which, as I expected, was prudent. While I didn’t get it as bad as some, I spent 36 hours or so with a low-grade (<100°) fever, some general lethargy, and a ton of muscle aches all over, which, here on Monday morning, still haven't quite passed, but are certainly tolerable.

I think it helped that immediately after the shot, I visited a nearby NPS site I hadn’t been to in a while and hiked a couple of miles, because I knew that once things really kicked in, I wasn’t going to get much exercise for the weekend. If it didn’t help the vaccine side effects, it certainly made me feel better.

Saturday I honestly spent most of the day in bed reading or (occasionally) napping, managing fever and aches with Tylenol and drinking fluids. I wasn’t particularly hungry at all this weekend, though what I did eat stayed down, which was nice after what some others have gone through. Sunday I got up and did a bit more; I did some laundry, cleaned my fish tank, recorded a couple of bass tracks for the upcoming Humdingers project, and made a quick grocery run, though by early afternoon, life was taking it out of me, so I spent some quality time in front of the television burning through the first few installments of the Fast and Furious franchise (a not-at-all-guilty pleasure of mine) before deciding it was time for bed.

As I start my week today, I’m feeling mostly human again, though I’m not going to push things too far physically for another day or so; the bike will still be there (besides, the weather looks much nicer tomorrow anyway) when I come out the other side.

As for the rest of the week, it looks remarkably normal, if a little heavy on the work schedule, but that’s because I’m still doing the work for two different positions at the moment, though, pleasantly, my efforts are being recognized, and will hopefully pay dividends at evaluation time. Otherwise, I still owe my bandmates tracks for two more tunes by the end of the month, and there’s prep to be done both for my upcoming half-century ride, and to get the house ready to have another body in it (hopefully only temporarily) in a week or two.

The wheels, they keep turning…

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