very little happened this weekend

24 Oct

The girls danced the Celtic Festival and I did my dance dad thing. I made a pretty good vegetarian shepherd’s pie. I cleaned the fish tank and watched a couple of movies.

Pretty typical for a low-key weekend. I’m okay with that.

The week ahead? Nothing special. Four days’ work (I’m taking a long weekend), some rehearsing for the Humdingers gig at HonorCon Friday night (why I’m taking a long weekend), and working on getting some tickets for Dweezil Zappa’s 50 Years of Frank: Dweezil Zappa plays whatever the F@%k he wants show in town in a couple of weeks. Tickets are really reasonable (like 20 bucks), but I need to go to the theater box office in person to avoid the “convenience fees” that are literally half again the cost of the ticket via the web sales service. Think Ticketbastard is bad? AXS is worse.

I never got a chance to see Frank. This feels right (especially after I missed Willie’s show this year).

…and finally, the relative density of metal bands in Europe based on population:

…I may have spent a little time calculating the actual number of metal bands for say, Andorra (4.04), early this weekend.

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