weekend – politics and wrocking

19 Feb

Not a bad week, all told. Work’s been, to my great relief, quiet, with no major crises looming or fires to put out. Made my boss happy a couple of times, rebuilt a few connections that might pay dividends later, and maybe cracked a bit of an issue that’s been nagging for a few months. I guess one can’t ask for more than that.

Outside of work, the big news is the car. With the regular commute and a couple of errands, I’ve got a little over 200 miles on the odometer (it was around 70 thanks to the dealership transfer when i took delivery). So far, I’m very happy, and I’ll be even happier once I get a little more used to the quirks of this particular transmission (I’m still a little shaky with the clutch engage point for first gear; if I don’t think about it, I’m fine, but the key is to not think about it). Still, very happy. Got my fancy embroidered floor mats yesterday (dealer didn’t have extra, and this one was off of another lot), the rear cargo mat should be in today or tomorrow.

Also, I have a gig this weekend! We’re playing with a bunch of other wizard rock types up in Northern Virginia for an all-day “Festival of Nerdy Love Songs”, which should be a lot of fun. Just the kind of thing I need. Plus…road trip!

Oh, and there’s a caucus this weekend – The Democrats do their thing in Saturday in Nevada (the Republicans do theirs on Tuesday). I’ll save my Tuesday predictions for then, though for this weekend, I’m going to predict a VERY narrow victory for Clinton (but again, not nearly as much as she’d want or need to dominate) – less than 10 percent, probably closer to five.

I want to be wrong, of course, and I could be. A lot depends on turnout, particularly of the youth vote, which could turn things toward Sanders, though that’s a big “if”, especially if there’s any confusion on the odd day for the Caucus. Let’s hope the BernieBros aren’t too busy making memes to come out and play nice (and not be too creepy). The big political monster in Nevada, the Culinary Workers Union (representing the many casino, hotel, and restaurant employees in tourism-heavy Nevada) has sit this one out in terms of endorsements, though there was some friction earlier this year with the Sanders campaign. I’m not sure what the influence, if any, is going to be.

So…have a good weekend, everybody!

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