weekend positivity round-up

13 Mar

You might have noticed there wasn’t a regular report on Friday. That’s fine; I was just off the internet, which is something you have to do now and then.

My weekend was actually pretty decent; I got stuff taken care of on Friday (including getting the eldest a pretty awesome prom dress for almost nothing), and relaxed a bit.

Saturday, I ran the D&D game I’ve been running for a bunch of grad student newbies, who are having a blast, and it’s pretty low pressure, as none of them have ever really done a tabletop RPG before, so they don’t know that I’m a relatively mediocre dungeon master. I wrapped friday with a decent Korean-influenced dinner out and a first round of the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game.

Sunday, although my wife was ridiculously sick (she blames cold conditions for the first of many Irish dance performances, being the season, on Friday night), I took care of some errands, cleaned the fish tank (and added a few – the dwarf gourami is gorgeous, if shy), had one minor meltdown, and played a little No Man’s Sky; after wrapping the Atlas quest line on my crapped out bugged save file, I started fresh with the newest update, and still haven’t left my original system, having taken it upon myself to catalogue all the animals on the planet I started on, and figuring out how much fun cliff diving is on the next planet over, which is full of neat islands deep lagoons, and archepelagos.

Now it’s Monday morning. I’m taking the day off because my wife simply isn’t in the position to take care of anything. I write this in the morning, while poking children to get themselves moving to go to school. I don’t envy my wife this task every morning. Anyway, I will say that my little experiment helped a bit; it got me looking toward the good stuff in my life, and I found some. If nothing else, it forced me to focus on something that wasn’t the crappy vocational conditions (which seem to have gotten a little better in the meantime, or at least seem that way), which was really the point.

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