weekend. yeah.

03 Oct

So, the big meeting that I had scheduled for Friday that was one of the big drivers for me not gigging this weekend at the Chestertown HP festival ended up getting cancelled, but not until the last minute. Still for the best that I didn’t do it; an influx of bills have hampered my general cash flow situation in recent months, I’m still not quite over the cold/flu thing, (I’ve kicked two full boxes of tissues at the office in the last week), and I’m kind of worn out and stressed; I do tend to draw energy from audiences when I play, but I expect given my general mindset recently, I wouldn’t have been able to play my best. It sounds like my friends had a lot of fun, though.

So, I got a little bit of a break. I’m still stressed as hell for many of the above-mentioned reasons, though I thoroughly enjoyed Luke Cage on netflix this weekend. I really enjoyed it; for a change it didn’t drag so much around episodes 7/8/9 as the other Netflix marvel shows do (but still probably could have told the same story more effectively in 10 episodes rather than 13), boasts a really effective supporting cast, makes the best use of music this side of Guardians of the Galaxy, and really stood out with a unique style, making liberal use of 70s grindhouse, classic hip-hop, and modern crime serial elements, while still feeling like it belongs as part of the MCU. It’s highly recommended, folks- give it a shot.

Also, the girls had a last-minute dancing gig at Strangeways Brewing for their little celtic festival food bank fundraiser. I like going to these things anyway, because my fellow dance parents are good folks whose company I enjoy, plus Albino Monkey is probably my favorite beer brewed in a city with a lot of great breweries in it.

Otherwise, I hit the library and the grocery store, and did a couple of other things. Hoping to get through this week unscathed (last week at work had a bunch of deadlines, annoying co-workers, and the usual FY-end crap you have to deal with, plus the now-annual threat of possible government shutdown!), because I could really use a week where people aren’t all grabbing at me and taking their hunks of flesh.

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