well that sucked; but that just makes us work harder

10 Nov

So, the results on Tuesday were so not what so many of us were hoping for. So much of America, both the 75 million who voted for him, and the 11 million who didn’t show up, showed us who they are, and who they are reeks of racism, sexism, xenophobia, LGBTQ+-phobia, general non-neighborliness, more than a little bit of fascism, and frankly, a really shitty understanding of economics. Also, those folks in my social circles who enabled this result have taken to adopting that person’s worst impulses, and have generally been complete assholes.

So, honestly, I’m stepping away from a lot of people, at least for a while. No need to listen to people who have shown that they don’t consider so many people I care about to be sub-human. They may speak of “we can agree to disagree,” but it doesn’t take much for that veil to drop and for them to show their true colors.

I simply don’t need that kind of negativity in my life right now; I’ve got more than enough other stuff to be concerned with.

That said, I’m not giving up, and neither are so many of us. We’ll do the work, we’ll fight the bad stuff, and unlike the other side, we’ll do it with within the bounds of the law. We’ll be the loyal opposition (loyal to the Constitution and the mostly noble ideas this country’s based on), but we’re going to oppose the hell out of all the awful things the other side’s promised to do and the negative attitudes they and those that support them have adopted.

I ran across something this morning that really resonated with me, and it’s worth sharing. I think it’s going to resonate with a lot of people, particularly my nerdy brethren, though as the concept’s drawn from the second-highest grossing film of all time, it almost certainly applies much more broadly:

On Your Left.
Avengers Assemble.
Let’s F**king Go!

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