what a difference a year makes

29 Aug

So, thanks to a one hour meeting turning into a nearly three hour meeting, and some nasty weather, I didn’t make it to the park with the kid yesterday evening. I’ll manage to make it up to her soon (Howl-O-Scream anyone?). I wouldn’t have been my best yesterday anyway, as my emotional state was swinging like a crazy pendulum. I’m a little better today after a good night’s sleep (and a Xanax).

In an attempt to try to get my head into the DragonCon game for this weekend, though, I was looking through some band photos and found some nice evidence of some of the good stuff that’s happened relatively recently.

I submit to evidence the following hastily-produced image combining two photos:

The photo on the left is from one of our shows at Concarolinas 2016 (that’s June of last year). The photo on the right was taken at our gig at Gray’s book launch this past weekend. While I’m clearly having a lot of fun in both photos, I know which version of me I prefer.

As I said yesterday in this space, in my head, I’m still the fat guy, but this comparison and some of the other physical evidence I’ve encountered definitely helps to disabuse me, at least temporarily, of that feeling.

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