when there’s nothing to say

14 Jan

to go meta on you all, this is going to be “not much to say, but I’m going to say it anyway” posts. Still, if you’re at all interested in what I’ve been up to, the next couple of paragraphs will pretty much cover the bits I care to share publicly.

Life’s been merely life. I’ve spent entirely too much time in the hotel these last two weeks; when I checked in on Monday morning and walked into a room identical in every way to the one I had last week, it honestly felt like I’d never left, which is sad, because I rather enjoyed my uneventful weekend, and hated to feel like I’d lost it for a moment.

The good news is that this week I’ve managed to feel damned useful at work again; early on with this project phase, a lot of us felt kind of cut out of the process (for a number of reasons I won’t go into), which makes for a really trying work day. The last couple of days, however, I seem to have gotten back into the groove with the consultants, lines of communication have opened up within the team and with the external organizations for whom I am designing outgoing data extract interfaces, and all feels right with my little corner of the IT world…for now, anyway. I hope the trend continues.

In other news, at nearly five weeks out, I’m still successfully raising three baby mollies. We lost a few last week, which makes me sad; however, they weren’t growing as quickly as the others are; I suspect there were some internal development issues I couldn’t possibly have been aware of. Still, I’m happy I have a few healthy ones, and these guys (gals, really, I think) won’t really overstock the tank when they’re full grown.

Not much else to share, really – wife and kids are fine, and I’d rather be at home with them now, honestly, rather than living out of a suitcase, and there appears to be no movement at the moment on efforts to change the status quo, but I’m not ready to say any more about that except that at this juncture, no news is good news.

With that, I shall bid you all adieu, and leave you with a photograph of the strangely-shaped couch in my hotel room:

No Responses to “when there’s nothing to say”

  1. 1
    Colleen Says:

    What that couch is called…

  2. 2
    chuck Says:

    so that’s what that is.

    I never claimed I was ever particularly well-versed in furniture terminology.

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