where’d it go?

21 Sep

The weekend just rushed by, honestly; I can list the stuff I accomplished, but it doesn’t feel like the time actually existed; you know, a couple of days passing in a dream, only without the presence of the Ressikan flute (though Catherine did hand me a kazoo at one point). A lot of the time compression probably had to do with the sinus headache/migrane I was dealing with most of Saturday; and spent a good deal of the afternoon in semi-consciousness.

Still, I got my oil changed, paid the bills, did the laundry, assembled some Ikea furniture, painted some hallway, and got most of the shopping done.

And, I bore (semi-conscious) witness to (debatable) greatness, in the form of Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. I’ll have to watch it again outside of the benadryl fog, but my impressions are that it was much better than Sharks in Venice*, and proved to me that not a whole lot has changed in 20 years, at least in terms of my lust for appreciation of Debbie Deborah Gibson**, star of this ambitious production.

We’ll see if my opinion holds once I see it again when I’m fully in charge of my faculties, though I probably will, since I’m a well-documented shameless lover of this particular variety of cheese.


* – which, in the fine tradition of “direct to video trash starring less famous siblings of A-list actors” like Soultaker and Beach Babes from Beyond, features William Baldwin and Vanessa Johannson, as well as a host of amateurish continuity errors.

** – Sure, if given the choice between Ms. Gibson and Tiffany in 1987, my 13 year-old self would have definitely chosen the latter, he would have been perfectly satisfied with either one (or both, actually; I’m not picky). And Debbie (she’ll always be ‘Debbie’ to me) still looks damned good, even if she’s gone from starring on Broadway to taking on projects like this.

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