“…an idea, still being thought”

07 Mar

I had the privilege of hearing this fellow speak a couple of weeks back, and a lot of his way of looking at the world resonated and stuck with with me. It’s a beautifully spiritual way of looking faith, religion (and it’s various definitions), and the universe through a scientific lens; one to which I’m more than a little bit sympathetic.

Now, imagine my surprise and delight when I found out that a version of the piece that I heard the other week was available online, so I could point to it and with hearty “what he said!”

I do so now, linking to “Faith & Impermanence”, from the Rev. Paul Boothby.

If you have a spare twenty-five minutes or so, give it a listen, I suspect you won’t regret the experience,* whether you’re of a religious (however you define it) bent or not. It definitely falls under the heading of Stuff I Like A Lot, that occasional category I use around here for stuff I, well, like a lot.

Amen. Blessed Be. ‘Nuff Said.


* -At the very least you’ll get a little chuckle out of the description of being the go-to Unitarian Universalist representative for the kids of Liberty Christian Academy when they get the assignment to seek out “exotic” religious traditions.

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