more wisdom we should all agree upon

07 Mar

Something I ran into this morning in purusal of the news: this story about how Magic Hat, the artisan brewer, just employed a new process that uses waste grain from the brewing process to produce natural gas to fuel the brewery’s wastewater treatment, saving the company a good deal of money and reducing it’s waste output.

It is truly a wonderful, especially considering the impending arrival of St. Patrick’s Day: Green Beer that doesn’t involve food coloring and mass market American swill pilsner.

In any case, slacktivist (new URL – update the bookmarks!), in response to this article, comments that he’s glad that he’s not a right-wing commentator or Fox News personality, as such a job would require him to be unhappy about a story this cool.

If your political ideology requires you to oppose making good beer more affordable, then it’s time to rethink your political ideology.


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