Archive for the 'hobbies' Category
meandering through atypical spiritual practices
My year-end (mostly) Staycation™ came to it’s inevitable end yesterday. The break was actually pretty relaxing, when I consider things. We all decided to make Christmas itself pretty low-key; the end of the year was way to hectic and crazy, with sewing projects and obligations and not as much money as we’d like and such, […]
wrapping up 2019
featured on filkcast
Just a quick note to let the world know that one of my tunes from World’s Okayest…, “Filker At The Mundane Hootenanny”, is being featured on the most recent episode of Eric Coleman’s Filkcast Eric (of the excellent band Cheshire Moon) has spent the last few episodes of 2019 featuring tons of filk releases from […]
friday random elevenish: “coughing and tidying up” edition
Been a quiet one this week; work is dragging, as people are already starting to take their holiday time off. I’ve been spending my time putting ongoing projects into stasis and getting the last of the year-end stuff done before I pop out after next week. I’ve also been feeling pretty darned terrible; something has […]
long weekend, way too much sunday
The long weekend was, for the most part relaxing, particularly Thursday and Friday, where I mostly hung about, doing laundry, watching MST3K, and cooking tasty food. Was offline for the most part, though I did take advantage of a couple of small black friday online deals, but nothing particularly serious. Saturday, we hung out with […]
thanksgiving random elevenish – “probably going dark” edition
Currently in the process of tidying things up for my short holiday work week, which has been, if I’m being honest, kind of a waste of time. I’ve spent most of it tying up loose ends like required “Ethics Training” and sending messages to folks who are already off brining turkeys and celebrating European conquest […]
friday random elevenish – “the complex emotions of release day” edition
World's Okayest… by Chuck Parker By the time you read this, my first solo record, World’s Okayest…, will have gone live on bandcamp for digital sales. It’s a weird feeling; exciting and intimidating. Although I’ve played all of these songs live dozens of times (and it took me years to get the confidence up to […]
songs of the faithless – live
By the time you read this, the project I’ve been hinting at, Songs of the Faithless, the new record by Jonah Knight will have, after being up a couple of hours, will have already hit it’s goal on Kickstarter, but it’s totally worth sharing anyway. Jonah, as you’ve probably heard, is a scarily talented musician […]