Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

off the grid, and kinda wrecked

19 Mar

So, you might have noticed I haven’t posted in two weeks. It’s not that I haven’t had things to do; in fact I’ve been ridiculously busy, winging (on occasion, literally) around the country to take in the ambiance of various public sector conference rooms and admire their institutional-chic environs as lit primarily by PowerPoint slides. […]

Monday update: travel woes mostly

05 Mar

So it’s Monday. Yeah. Weekend was busy. So busy. Friday night was set up the feis; integrate the college kids into the household for the next week. Saturday was get up just as early as I get up every other day to do the dance dad thing at the feis all day, handling all sorts […]

for me, it’s tuesday

27 Feb

This weekend was a weird one. I stayed up way too late on Friday night, drinking beer and shopping online. Having gotten a pretty good coupon from Monoprice after ordering a cheap tube amplifier (that I’d been watching for months) last week, I spent $50 on a backup electric bass guitar, their knockoff copy of […]

friday random eleven – “turning the corner, and the worst idea in the history of bad ideas” edition

23 Feb

So, this week has been a bit of a roller coaster in terms of personal health; Had a couple of good days with the sinuses and the throat, enough that I felt like I might be turning the corner. Then yesterday happened, and I started up that cycle of better/relapse that gets me two steps […]

friday random eleven: “relapse” edition

16 Feb

This week has not been amazing in terms of personal well-being, or, you know, the well-being of seventeen people in Florida. After a thoroughly enjoyable experience with Friday night’s Father-Daughter dance, and a pretty decent adventure Saturday with the D&D crew, and an excellent batch of cajun chicken salad derived from this pretty much perfect […]

friday random eleven: “maybe 242 years was a good run” edition

09 Feb

My nerves really can’t take this kind of thing for much longer, I’ll be honest. This latest shutdown drama, passing late into the night (and still technically not over as I write this) has been hell on my calm, especially given how normally disorganized my organization is. I went to bed not knowing whether I’d […]

another tune

06 Feb

Total novelty tune – haven’t really solidified the music yet, but it sounds like a country thing to me. A friend posted on social media last night about how she was “helping a friend get laid by teaching them calculus.” I, in search of a writing prompt, leapt into action. I don’t have a title […]

fly into the face of uncertainty

05 Feb

As I shared on social media this morning, it was nice to see the Eagles get the ring, finally, on their third trip to the Big Game™. As a life-long, but sort of lapsed fan of the game and the team, it hit a lot of nice, nostalgic notes. I know a lot of happy […]

friday random eleven – “good news, bad news” edition

02 Feb

So, I thought I had a huge, long-suffering work problem solved when I left the office yesterday. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Lots more drama in the inbox this morning, so that’s something I gotta solve, or at least make some progress on. Oh well, I guess that’s why they pay me the big bucks, except […]

just repeat to yourself it’s just a show…

31 Jan

The original Ant-Man film a few years back was an absolute delight; definitely more enjoyable than Age of Ultron that came out the same year. Don’t agree? Fight me. Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang also added some much needed levity to the very serious Captain America: Civil War a couple of years later. Yesterday, Marvel saw […]

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