Archive for the 'random ten' Category

friday random elevenish – “the complex emotions of release day” edition

15 Nov

World's Okayest… by Chuck Parker By the time you read this, my first solo record, World’s Okayest…, will have gone live on bandcamp for digital sales. It’s a weird feeling; exciting and intimidating. Although I’ve played all of these songs live dozens of times (and it took me years to get the confidence up to […]

friday random elevenish : “improvisation in blue” edition

08 Nov

Has honestly been a pretty good week, when it comes right down to it. Apart from the fact that as he attended to higher-end management stuff in the C suite, I ended up sitting in for the boss on all kinds of other high-level meetings all week. I have had my fill of briefing big […]

friday random elevenish: “done, on to the next one” edition

01 Nov

As of Thursday night, I have ordered my initial stock of World’s Okayest… that I hope I can sell to my adoring fans (I do have some), or at least to the mildly curious and/or those who feel sorry for me. I went somewhat conservative in terms of numbers; if I can sell what I’ve […]

friday random elevenish – “memories and equity” edition

25 Oct

Spent most of the week waiting for people to wrap stuff up at the very last minute, which is how my organization rolls. It’s kinda frustrating. This contributed to a mostly consistent week-long funk, though a little self-medication helped a bit, at least on my regular Thursday night at the grocery store bar with my […]

friday random elevenish – “(parenthetical)” edition

18 Oct

Hasn’t been a terrible week, all told. I got some nice hiking in, had a pretty good open mic this month, made some new friends in my usual Thursday trip to have a drink at the grocery store bar, listened to the “new” Replacements record that just came out, and got some really good advice […]

friday random elevenish – “standard week, with testudines” edition

11 Oct

As it is every week, it’s been a week. I’ve actually gotten a ton done at work, and I’ve speedwalked/hiked the equivalent of three 5k races, but I’ve gotten next to nothing done on the record. Mixed bag, that. Hoping to change that this weekend, however; I’m taking the recording rig on the road at […]

friday random elevenish – “well then” edition

27 Sep

Still fighting this stupid flu bug/cold. Ugh. Every time I think I’m coming around the back side of it, my head slams shut again. As a result, this week’s sort of just floated by, a life of knocking out documents, sleeping, and popping figurative popcorn while watching political theater in the information age. As I […]

friday random elevenish – “financial reminder of your own mortality” edition

20 Sep

When I looked at my electronic pay stub on Wednesday morning for this week’s pay check, I noticed my bottom-line take-home was twenty-five bucks less than it’s been previously. I was concerned for a second, until I saw the notes section, which indicated that I’d moved into a new age category for my life insurance […]

friday random elevenish: “nightmares of the bureaucracy” edition

13 Sep

This week has been probably the most aggravating week in my lengthy career as a public-sector bureaucrat. The sheer amount of stereotypical bureacratic bullshit, passive-aggressive power plays, and examples of the worst impulses of humanity I’ve had to deal with have been somewhat overwhelming, and may have led me to send some more-aggressive-than-is-entirely-professional messages via […]

friday random elevenish – “after the dragon” edition

06 Sep

I write this Thursday evening, my first day back at the day job after spending the weekend playing rock star with 85,000 of my closest friends at Dragoncon in Atlanta. We had a pretty good weekend, all told, playing some great shows and seeing some good friends, and hell, making the Syfy Wire web page, […]

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