three in a row

03 Mar

Let’s ignore for the moment that this morning’s first few hours involved a snow shovel shattering upon first impact with the ice, and my subsequent inability to get either car out of the driveway. We’ll further ignore the fact that I fell on my ass while trying to push the fleet car across the ice rink that was the motor pool parking lot at the office this morning.

(We shall not even speak of my intrepid car pool friend and I narrowly dodging the evacuation of the building holding the key to the fleet car due to mysterious smoke; because, while true, it has no bearing on the point I’m trying to make….)

Today’s very bright sun did quite a bit to melt the snow currently blanketing my part of the world. I can speak from experience that (, my driveway aside,) most of the paved roadways in the region are perfectly passable. There is no immediate threat of additional precipitation of any kind for tomorrow.

Given this, it makes little sense to me that the local school district has, as of 7pm this evening, already canceled classes for tomorrow. It’s just not that bad out there.

At this point, they might as well just just go for one day for every inch we got and bag the whole week.

We’re lucky in the sense that there’s someone around to watch our kids; I can’t imagine how this screws up families where the single parent, or both parents, work outside the home. Again, We’re lucky that I’m pretty much able to take a paid personal day when I need it to deal with this kind of stuff; many people don’t have that luxury. I wonder if this particular extended school closure managed to lose somebody a job because that somebody had to stay home to take care of a kid?

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